Publication : Sergiu Miscoiu et Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo, “Presidents, Prime Ministers and Majorities in the French Fifth Republic: The Complex Dynamics of the French Fifth Republic”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
This book focuses on the triangle of power dynamics between presidents, prime ministers and parliamentary majorities, and the way it has evolved throughout the French Fifth Republic, the longest-lasting semi-presidential system. What are the main patterns in the functions and interactions of the three institutions? How do the personalities of presidents, prime ministers and leading parliamentarians shape the dynamics of the institutional system and France’s political evolution during each presidential term? To what extent do their ideological and partisan affiliations affect collaboration between key political leaders? How do the dynamics of inter-institutional relations influence the country’s overall stability and progress? And what are the main lessons of the Fifth Republic’s semi-presidential experience for countries that based their institutional systems on the French model?
Table des matières
Presidents, Prime Ministers and Majorities in the French Fifth Republic
- Sergiu Mişcoiu
Pages 1-15
Charles de Gaulle: The Birth of the Modern French Monarchy, the Fifth Republic
- Bryan Muller
Pages 17-51
Georges Pompidou: Rooting the Fifth Republic
- Olivier Sibre
Pages 53-83
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing: “France Shall Not Fall Back into the Party Regime”
- Alexandra Alina Iancu, Sorina Cristina Soare
Pages 85-108
François Mitterrand: The Last Republican Monarch
- Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo
Pages 109-132
Jacques Chirac: The Failure of Social Gaullism, the Longest Cohabitation and the Spectre of the Far Right
- Bernard Lachaise
Pages 133-154
Nicolas Sarkozy: Voluntarism, Hyper-Presidency and Contestation
- Marius-Mircea Mitrache
Pages 155-181
François Hollande: The Presidency at an Impasse
- Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo
Pages 183-200
Emmanuel Macron: The Art of Casting
- Fabrice Hamelin
Pages 201-215
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sfhpol (29 mars 2024). Publication : Sergiu Miscoiu et Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo, “Presidents, Prime Ministers and Majorities in the French Fifth Republic: The Complex Dynamics of the French Fifth Republic”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. Société française d'histoire politique. Consulté le 10 septembre 2024 à l’adresse